- LP invisible voices [1983]
- LP southland [1984]
- LP the last secret of poseidon [1985]
- LP angaria [1987]
- LP morning of the world [1988]
- CD fata morgana [1990]
- CD pazifica [1992]
- CD atoll [1992]
- CD coral sea [1993]
- CD sibiria [1994]
- CD taklamakan [1995]
- CD congo [1996]
- CD ozeania [1997]
- CD tropica [1998]
- CD distant blue [1993, with stefan reinert | wilfried müller | michael rauch]
- CD personal spirits 2 [1997]
- CD mysterious neighbour (mars project vol. II) [1996]
- CD TFSM 01 [1995]
- CDs syntonic waves vol. 1-6
- LP international friendship [1983]